Thursday, March 19, 2009

Black Butt

So about a week ago D.J. was sitting infront of the sliding glass door fully clothed, letting the sun beat on him. "He asked "The sun will make me dark, right?" "Yes it will, but you have to show the sun your skin," I replied. I went about my business, doing laundry, picking up toys, etc. Then I came back downstairs and burst into hysterical laughter as I saw D.J. He was laying face down infront of the window with his pants pulled down past his butt! Keep in mind, all other parts of his body were completely covered. "What on earth are you doing D.J.?" "Trying to get my butt black, mom!" He said it so matter-of-factly, like 'duh--what else would I be doing.'

Just to give you a little background on his obsession with his butt;
When he was about 3 years old, he realized that he was a little darker than mommy. He was pretty upset and actually cried saying that he wanted to be white like mommy and not dark like daddy. I told him that his color is beautiful and that God made him that way because he wanted him to be cute. He still was upset about it for several months. Then one day he noticed that his hiney was really white. He said, "Wow, Mom!!! My butt is soooo white! I like it!" Then he was ok about it. A year or so later, he noticed that his cousins (who are half black) were nice and dark. Since then he has always wanted to get his butt dark like them... I guess he finally found a way!