Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So yesterday, we were slow at work so I left a bit early, which turned out to be perfect. Also what turned out perfect, was that David asked to see the kids (which doesn't happen that often). I went home, collected myself, and then went downtown to my lawyer's office to sign the papers before he sent them off to you know who. As excited as I normally am to have this all over with, I was actually dreading it. Not because I will be missing the person I am about to divorce, but the whole process of it all. But as I sat down, read through the complaint, I felt so relieved! Like this problem doesn't have to be mine anymore. I can finally let it all go. I did my part and everything I could do, I did. A mairrage can't be fixed by one person. The papers are being sent to David, which he will have the option to sign right away. The papers will then be filed on Wednesday or Thursday. After that, I went to Barnes and Noble and bought myself a good old fashion love story. I am not a big reader, especially of love stories, but I felt it was appropriate. I have heard of this book and have wanted to read it for a while and so.. I am going to take time for myself to read this one book; Love in the Time of Cholera. After the bookstore, I went home and CRASHED! There were no kids in the house, they wouldn't be home for hours, so I passed out like there was no tomorrow! Lately, I have not been able to sleep with all of this up in the air. I layed down, shut my eyes, fell asleep, and didn't stir once until the kids came home. I honestly don't know when the last time was that I slept like that. It was glorious. I am sure everyone was wondering why the bags under my eyes are so large. So if I have been a little off lately, all of this is why. I am not sure exactly what to do from here, but for now I am going to take it one day at a time. I feel like Dori from Nemo sometimes: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.


Amber said...

I am SO proud of you for doing this. I know that you made the right decision for you and you are happy with it and that is all that matters. As you swim along day by day, I will be swimming along side you and am here when you need it. We will have lots of Girls Nights! PS-How is my boyfriend?

Kelli J. said...

You are tough! I had no idea - you have such a great attitude all the time! Hope it all works out well and things go smoothly for you!

The Todd Family said...

I hope that you're doing well right now! I've been thinking about you TONS!! Especially being back in Spokane!