Monday, August 4, 2008

This year is MINE!

With everything I have been through the past years, I have claimed this year to myself. I am really not a selfish sort of person, but I feel I need to rekindle an old love.... the love of myself! I am going to do things for me! I need to cross some things off my bucket list so... some friends of mine from work and I have decided to run a half marathon! We will be running the Salt Lake City half marathon next April! I know that is kind of far away, but I am so out of shape after the babies and I know I will need the extra time. I am really excited for this!


Amber said...

Yah for 1/2 marathons!!! I hope we can do it!

Ariel said...

Yeah! You girls are awesome. I will be on the sidelines cheering you on!

Jen said...

We can do it, I know we can!!

The Todd Family said...

Half marathons are the best. It feels like such an accomplishment, but you're not killing yourself with a full marathon. I have a great training schedule that I'm using for mine if you want it! It's VERY doable-- I'm even doing it pregnant!